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Monday Devotional

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July 15, 2024

Dear Friends,

In an old Peanuts cartoon, Snoopy and his bird-friend, Woodstock, are sitting atop Snoopy’s doghouse.  Snoopy asks him, “What are you doing here? You’re supposed to be out somewhere sitting on a branch chirping.  That’s your job. People expect to hear birds chirping when they wake up in the morning.” 


In the next frame, Woodstock is sitting on a branch and belts out a single, “Chirp!” before flying back to the doghouse. 


Snoopy says to him, “You chirped only once.  You can’t brighten someone’s day with one chirp.”  So, Woodstock flew back to the branch and belted out eight more chirps before returning to the doghouse. 


Snoopy smiles and says, “There now!  Didn’t that give you a feeling of satisfaction?  The bad news is you’re supposed to do that every morning for the rest of your life.” 


That is a heavy responsibility.  Singing every day, even on days they may not feel like it.   


So where do we fit into this?  Our role is to appreciate the song. Somewhere there is a bird singing right now, waiting for us to notice. That is our purpose, to notice the beauty.  Pay attention to the little gifts that are all around the songs of the birds, the smell of summer rain, the taste of fresh berries. With so much goodness in every direction, perhaps we can find purpose in the appreciation of such daily gifts.   





Upcoming Activities

Auction Donations Needed

The Church picnic will be held on Sunday August 4th at Donner Park at noon. As part of this year’s picnic we will be auctioning items for the upcoming mission trip to Guatemala. If you have items to donate please let the church know. In the past, some of the donations have included craft items, baskets of items, a dozen cookies each month, a plane ride, a homecooked meal for friends, etc. Let your creativity guide you and help us raise funds for this important mission trip.


Brown Bag Luncheon

Once a month we gather for an informal time to have lunch together and chat. All are welcome! The next gathering will be Wednesday July 17th at noon. Bring a lunch and join in the fun!


Social Opportunity

On Sunday July 21 a group from First UMC will attend the Mill Race Theater's presentation of "Damn Yankees." If you would like to join in, please contact the church office.


Book Club

The July selection for the book club is a young adult novel by Paul Fleischman entitled, "Seedfolks." This brief novel is filled with beauty and the ways in which a community of strangers become friends. Join us on Sunday July 21 at 6:00 p.m. in the church library for this discussion.



Clothe-a-Child is a partnership between First UMC and the Lincoln Central Neighborhood Foundation to provide school clothes for children in need. One of the areas of need is for interested shoppers. By shopping together, children can pick out items that they would both need and like. If you would be interested in participating in this important and meaningful ministry, please contact the church office.


Upcoming Events

July 26 Blood Drive

August 4 Church picnic

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