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Mountain Range

The Full Story

About Us

First UMC is a growing community of believers who can be described with two similar words: wonder and wander. To wonder is to be curious, to explore the mysteries of life. Not unrelated, to wander is to explore or to search for something. First UMC is a place that combines these two related terms well. This is a church where you can wonder, explore, be curious, experience the delight of God's mystery and revelation. The wondering is encouraged and welcome. And this is a church where you can wander, where you can join other pilgrims on the journey to grow in their faith in meaningful ways. We navigate the joys and surprises of life and faith together firm in the knowledge that God meets us where we are and walks with us. Wherever you may be in your faith journey, there is a place for you here. Come and wander and wonder with us!

FUMC Staff

Vibrant. Thoughtful. Serving.

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The original sanctuary was constructed in 1887. By 1912 it was necessary to add an annex on the east side with five Sunday School classrooms. The church was remodeled in 1930 with the main entrance moved from under the steeple to the present location on Eighth Street.The educational wing was constructed in 1949-1950. In 1960 the sanctuary was completely remodeled, and the educational wing expanded to the current size. Construction on the north side of the church in 1963 added the Blue Room, Library, and offices. The most recent major expansion occurred in 1988 which added the current church offices, chapel, and multi-purpose room.

Pipe Organ

Moller Opus 8406 Pipe Organ 

First United Methodist Church of Columbus was thrilled to celebrate the 60th birthday of Moller Opus 8406 Pipe Organ in 2022. This beautiful work of craftsmanship has become known as the "Golden Memorial" Pipe Organ. Although the Miller company is no longer in business, they hold the distinction of building more pipe organs for churches and concert halls than any other organ company in the US. The organ was a gift to the church from the Walter Golden family in 1952. This beautiful three-manual pipe organ consists of four divisions: the Swell, Great, Choir, and Antiphonal. The special inclusion of the Antiphonal organ permits music to come from the rear of the balcony when especially soft music is desired.


FUMC offers a large library of Christian oriented books, audiobooks, videos, and magazines available on a range of topics for adults and children. The library is open to everyone, and you can access the collection online by clicking below.

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